January 27, 2025

January Updates and the Refractor Report

If you make a suggestion, you better be prepared to execute the idea yourself. When I first started collecting 1993 Finest Refractors I discovered there was no central repository of information about the set. It was surrounded by legends, out of date information, and a patchwork of decaying message board notes of varying quality and timeliness. While building the set I gathered as much information as I could, and earlier this month I published a summary of some of the insights gleamed from this endeavor. This Refractor Report serves as both a snapshot of the current known state of '93 Finest Refractors as well as a summary of how this has shifted over the past 12 months. I plan to make annual updates and continue to expand my data collection efforts.

This month I also saw a few more collectors chronicle their hobby year with their own annual reports. I always enjoy combing through these posts and definitely saw some good ones.

I continued to work my way through profiling cards from my collection. Notes on five pieces of cardboard were published in January:

1952 Topps: When a Giants' star was attacked by a bat-wielding cabbie
1952 Topps: Another NY Giant appeared on a lot of bases and a lot of cards
1952 Topps: Hi-dee-hi-dee-ho! 1930s big bands on the diamond
1993 Finest: A walking luau once chased Hawaii's finest pitcher
1993 Finest: I try to one-up Will Clark in a game of yelling at clouds

Next month I plan to change out my wallet cards and provide deeper looks at a few of the pieces of cardboard that previously spent a year living in my pocket. 

Never let your cards be boring!

1 comment:

  1. I lost a lot of respect for Will Clark during the whole John Rocker fiasco. I see he hasn't changed.
