April 08, 2024

Wallet Card + Eclipse

Here's a bit of fun from this afternoon: The solar eclipse was visible as the partial variety here in Virginia. I built a pinhole camera out of a cardboard box and some aluminum foil and and tracked the progression of the eclipse for about half an hour. Near the peak I added my wallet card to the mix, projecting an image of the partially obscured sun into the backdrop of this 1987 Topps Bo Jackson card.


  1. You don't ever hear about people making pinhole cameras anymore. Are you saving it as a memento, or was it tossed as soon as the sun was back to normal?

    1. I returned the cardboard contraption to the recycling bin as soon as I was done with it. It was a bit of a one-time use item.

  2. Only way too late for this, but seriously, that's awesome!
